The key to your success in the Chinese market

Procurement consulting services in China

Maximise your business potential with our customised China procurement consultancy services. We're here to help you navigate the challenges and take advantage of opportunities in the Chinese procurement market.
Quality products at fair prices
Negotiating prices and conditions
Single logistics at competitive prices

Full consultancy services for procurement and production

We offer a full suite of consulting services to help you navigate the complexities of procurement and manufacturing in China.

Purchase of products

Trust our expertise to help you get the best quality products at competitive prices and on favourable terms, while saving you money.

Supplier research

We help you access local markets, trade shows and undiscovered suppliers, analysing and identifying the most suitable suppliers to meet your unique business requirements.

Purchase of materials

Improve the quality of your products with our help in purchasing the best components and materials at the most competitive prices, optimizing your production line.

Supplier evaluations

Reduce risk and build lasting partnerships with our rigorous supplier assessments that validate capabilities, certifications and compliance with industry standards.

Negotiations with suppliers

Our deep understanding of the Chinese market allows us to ensure optimal prices and conditions. We strive to balance cost and quality, maximising the value of your investment.

Sampling & Design

We help you evaluate, refine and improve your product design to ensure quality, functionality and performance before you embark on full-scale production.

Product purchase consultancy

Take advantage of our deep understanding of the Chinese procurement landscape to carefully explore local markets, trade shows and undiscovered suppliers/products.

Production consultancy

Partner with us to identify reliable and cost-effective Chinese manufacturers for streamlined processes, minimised risk and best practice guidance.

Quality control consultancy

Improve your product quality by leveraging our expert advice on best practices, connecting you with the right resources and setting your business up for success.

Compliance advice

Mitigate risks, avoid penalties and prevent recalls by adhering to strict international standards with our regulatory knowledge, resources and recommendations.

Import/export consultancy

Navigate complex trade regulations with ease as we guide you through customs procedures, documentation, duties/taxes and logistics for smooth transactions.

Conflict resolution

Resolve disputes with suppliers and protect your interests. Our negotiators will facilitate open communication, provide advice and mediate mutually beneficial solutions and outcomes.

Complete product purchasing solutions

We offer a full suite of product procurement services, from product and material sourcing to supplier research, evaluation, negotiation and sampling. Our customized solutions are designed to meet your unique procurement needs.

Why choose Ningboasia for consulting services for product purchases from China?

Our procurement and manufacturing consulting services are designed to support your needs and goals, giving you the insight, guidance and expertise you need to streamline your operations.

Rapid expertise

Take advantage of our connections with factories, suppliers, manufacturers, 3PLs and more, unlocking new opportunities for your business.

Prepare for success

Buy strategies to optimise your delivery chain, reduce lead times, mitigate defects, reduce costs and ensure a reliable flow of goods to your customers.

Working as a team

Take advantage of our in-depth understanding of Chinese culture to make it easier for you to negotiate and create lasting partnerships.

Negotiate like a local

Develop expert negotiation tactics to secure favourable terms with suppliers, backed by years of experience in the Chinese business environment.

Clear customs without any problems

Learn all aspects of documentation, shipping, customs procedures, HS code research and more to ensure smooth and profitable imports.

Informed answers, anytime

Get prompt answers and expert advice to help you navigate through any questions or challenges you face during the procurement/manufacturing process.

Get a free offer!

Complete the form below to receive a free, no-obligation quote for your next procurement project.

Other services we offer

Optimise your procurement efforts and find the right solutions with our 'all-in-one product sourcing' services

Purchase of products

Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.

Product development

Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.


Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.

Quality Control & QA

Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.

Transport, logistics and FBA

Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.

Check Supplier

Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.

Securing Payments

Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.

Cargo Inspection

Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.

Visit to China

Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.

Customs Representation

Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.

Consultancy and Other Services

Using our in-depth local knowledge and extensive connections in China, our purchasing agents in China locate the products you need - all at the best price, quality and delivery time.

Contact us

Every exceptional journey starts with a simple "Hello". Connect with us today and let's visualize, create and bring a unique product to life. Together, we can turn your idea into a tangible reality.
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